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Services and Appointment Fees

We provide trauma aware, individual led and collaborative social work, counselling and assessment services.

SSWCS currently provides a range of capacity building supports - Improved Daily Living

The main support items are listed below with fees that reflect the current NDIS guide. These fees and support items are subject to change in line with the NDIS price guide updates.

Early Intervention
Early Intervention supports - Early Childhood Professional
Under 7 years of age

$193.99 an hour

Includes: key worker, assist a child, their family or carers in home, community and early childhood education settings, to work towards increased functional independence and social participation.

Therapy Supports (7 and older)
Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy or Training – Social Worker

Support letters and Reports included
$193.99 an hour

Includes: therapeutic services to participants (7 or older). Therapy supports are for participants with an established disability to facilitate functional improvement where maximum medical improvement has been reached. Therapy must be aimed at adjustment, adaption, and building capacity for community participation. 

These support items can be delivered to individual participants or to groups of participants subject to the rules set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits. 

Any assessments are charged under Capacity Building: Improved Daily Living as above dependent on age.
$193.99 an hour

Reports or support letters are charged under Capacity Building: Improved Daily Living as above dependent on age.
$193.99 an hour

Functional Capacity Assessments (Psychosocial and Other disabilities) - approx. 10-15 hours of work
$193.99 an hour

Telehealth available

Cancellation Fees and Terms
If appointment is cancelled within 24 hours’ notice, the day before the appointment it will either be re-scheduled or cancelled and not charged.

We are flexible as we understand the difficulties that can come in life which can result in a need to cancel an appointment.

Intakes are not included in this and are always able to be rescheduled.

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